Nature’s Winter Wonders
The holidays are fast approaching and the daily pace is increasing just as the amount of daylight is decreasing. For a change of pace take advantage of a sunny day and get outdoors to enjoy nature. You may just make some wonderful discoveries.
Deciduous trees and shrubs have dropped most of their leaves and gardens have finished blooming but nature still provides lots of color and interesting textures. Red berries can be found on many hollies (Ilex spp). Shrubs without their leaves like dogwoods (Cornus sericea) may display either bright red or yellow stems. The leaves on some broadleaf evergreens like rhododendrons may take on a purplish cast. Long- needled evergreens like Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) reach out with soft needles.
The shorter days will slowly begin to lengthen as the Winter Solstice on December 21 approaches. Celebrate the season by taking in the beauty of evergreen trees with their unique pinecones, oak trees now surrounded by acorns and busy squirrels, and the varying colors of tree bark. Lasdon has many trails just waiting for you to explore nature’s winter wonders.